Without Hair and Without Name


“For the first time in my life I saw the truth as it is set into song by so many poets, proclaimed as the final wisdom by so many thinkers. The truth – that Love is the ultimate and highest goal to which man can aspire. Then I grasped the meaning of the greatest secret that human poetry and human thought and belief have to impart: The salvation of man is through love and in love.” – Viktor Frankl

The Jewish people faced death. Death was all around. By around 1941, 1.25 million Jewish people needed social assistance. The food restrictions were unbearable. The Jewish people were given a tiny 184 calories while the Germans were rationed 2600 a day each. 100,000 Jewish people in Warsaw were children under the age of 15. Tuberculosis, Typhus, and Dysentery were all festering in the ghetto and on top of the cramped population it was also being used as a prison for “Gypsies”.

The elders of the ghettos (the Jewish who were put in charge by the German state) had to start choosing for people to be “resettled” (killed off). Elkhanan Elkes, an elder of Kovno, chose to commit suicide rather than taking on the responsibility. Children aged eight and older were being trained to be skilled workers in order to avoid “resettlement”. In 1942 children were ripped from their mothers and taken away to be killed. The mothers who fought were taken too or shot on the spot. In the wake of all of this the population was still carrying on with daily routine.

By 1943 it was being noticed that there was little hope and that all of the Jewish people left were going to be killed off or worked until death and degraded until the very end. A resistance started. Small resistances in different camps. The young fighting population wanted revenge and had few arms but fought anyway. By 1944 the final deportation orders had begun..

The suffering of the concentration camp prisoner is unthinkable. Basic needs were not met, which left hardly any room for self reflection and mercy. The prisoners struggled to hold on to their own values in a world of physical and psychological deprivation. From a very simple psychological standpoint Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs outlines a rough draft of the particular requirements of any human being to enjoy his/her life and search for deeper meaning.


Once “resettled”, packed like sardines in train cars, to the labor camps the prisoners lived a paranoid life under threat of death every single day and were literally worked to death. The sick, the elderly, many women, the children and the infants were stripped of their material and physical resources and killed immediately after admittance. Those men who were fit enough to work were left to starvation, disease, and the impossible physical demands of the camp. It turns out that life can’t be summed up in a simple “Hierarchy of Needs” because these people in camps held on to hope and kept their spirits up. It was observed by Victor Frankl (the author of “Man’s Search for Meaning) that those who gave up hope died soon thereafter. Many people looked within themselves and used their immense suffering to locate deeper meaning in their lives. Sensory adaptation was quick and allowed prisoners to withstand beatings that we, of our time, would never have had to endure and can hardly even picture in our mind’s eye.

On the other hand the stories of these Holocaust victims show us the desperate way in which they lived and the focus on the lack of safety and food. Prisoners had two tiny rations of bread and soup daily and would dream and talk of feasts and wonderful food they would cook after liberation (a liberation that hardly any got to see). They were quickly filed down to people who lived wildly and like criminals. We have seen with experiments (such as the Stanford Prison Experiment) how quickly and chaotically prisoners can become traumatized under a corrupt and power hungry authority. The focus on physiological needs does say a great deal about how difficult it would be for us to live a fulfilling life if our foundation isn’t solid or nourished properly.

Every human life has inherent worth and it is our responsibility not to harm or torture others even when our government demands it of us. Our world needs more critical thinkers who are open enough to locate the compassion within themselves and not lose sight of their moral compass once they’ve established their own personal views, morals and values.

Helen Bamber shares her memories of the liberation of Belsen.

Works Cited:

Dwork, Deborah, and Jan Van Pelt, Robert. Holocaust: A History. New York: Norton, 2002. Print.

Levi, Primo. Survival in Auschwitz. New York: Touchstone, 1996. Print.

Frankl, Viktor E. Man’s Search for Meaning. Boston: Beacon Press, 2006. Print

Rorschach Inkblot Test Administered to Nazi Leaders During Nuremberg Trials


Rorschach Article

Gustave Gilbert administered the Rorschach test to the Nazi leaders during the Nuremberg Trials. The Rorschach inkblot test is a psychological evaluation of projection. Psychologists were hoping to decipher whether or not these Nazi Leaders’ scores were indicative of “normal” thinking people or psychopaths.

Here is a list of the Nazi subjects:
1. Hans Frank- Minister of Justice
2. Hans Fritzsche- Chief Deputy to Goebbels
3. Walther Funk- Minister of Economics
4. Hermann Goering- Luftwaffe Chief
5. Rudolf Hess- Hitler’s Secretary
6. Ernst Kaltenbrunner- Chief of concentration camps
7. Whilhelm Keitel- Cheif of Staff for Armed Forces
8. Constantin von Neurath- Protector for Bohemia and Moravia
9. Franz von Papen- Vice Chancellor under Hitler
10. Joachim von Robbentrop- Foreign Minister
11. Alfred Rosenberg- Editor of the main Nazi newspaper
12. Fritz Sauckel- Plenipotentiary General for the Utilization of Labor
13. Hjalmar Schact- Minister of Economics
14. Baldur von Shirach- Youth Leader of the Third Reich
15. Artur Seyss-Inquart- Governor to occupied Poland, Austria, and The Netherlands
16. Albert Speer- Hitler’s chief architect

Finding a comparative sample was difficult but a population was put together and the comparisons resulted in a difficulty to differentiate between the normal comparisons and the Nazi Leaders. This suggests that the Nazi leaders were, for the most part, normal according to this diagnostic tool.
The Rorschach test is an interesting diagnostic tool but there are factors which make it unreliable in some ways.

An explanation for the seemingly “normal” status of the Nazi leaders could simply be situation-dependent and social psychology. At this time in history Hitler had pulled together the economic growth of Germany with new construction business and had utilized the countries surrounding them to feed the German people. It was simply conformity of the time and the situation to follow the orders of the man who had lifted Germany up from an economic depression.


Works Cited
Ritzler, Barry A. “The Nuremberg Mind Revisited: A Quantitative Approach To Nazi Rorschachs.” Journal Of Personality Assessment 42.4 (1978): 344. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 Dec. 2014.

Nazi Propaganda and Dehumanization

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The Jewish people were seen as the root of all evil long before Hitler’s dictatorship. During the middle ages anyone who hadn’t converted to Christianity and the “New Covenant” with Jesus of Nazareth was targeted by Europe and labeled as “agents of the devil”. In this manner the Jewish people of the fifth century were pushed into small “ghettos”. The involvement of the Jewish people in finances and newspaper was seen as a threat and inspired many conspiracy theories to circulate about Jewish “evil”. Segregation forced the Jews to move around to the west and back again which inspired even more theories of “world domination”.

In 1933 500,000 Jewish people were under German rule and were demonized and forced into ghettos with little to live on. The state of the ghettos and the lack of resources converted the people living within them into exactly the picture that the German’s had described the Jewish people to be: “rats” and “disease ridden”. Typhus was renamed “Jew Fever” to further liken the Jewish people to sub-human disease carriers.

At this time following the Nazi rise to power in 1933 Hitler established the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. In this way the Nazi message was communicated through many mediums. This opened the door to the dehumanization of the Jewish people.

Survivor stories written by those who endured the horrific struggle of the concentration camps paint a picture of dehumanization and being treated like animals. The Jewish people were seen as less than human making it more simple for ordinary people to torture them and participate in their mass murder.

David Livingstone Smith explains how dehumanization makes us capable of atrocious acts.

Works Cited:

Dwork, Deborah, and Jan Van Pelt, Robert. Holocaust: A History. New York: Norton, 2002. Print.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “Nazi Propaganda.” Holocaust Encyclopedia.http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005202. Accessed on Dec. 02, 2014.

Intuitive Prejudice


Daniel Kahneman addresses prejudice as being “built in” to our “system 1” basic brain. No one is exempt from intuitive prejudice. It is thought that prejudice is something that has been carried with us since our primitive and tribal days as a justifiable defense mechanism. Our implicit minds are wary of those who who are unfamiliar to us or “those who resemble people with whom we have negative past associations”*

This calls into question legislation such as the United States “Patriot Act” which fosters race discrimination and gives authority figures the right to violate the privacy of any and all people who are seemingly “suspicious”. If intuitive prejudice is factored into this equation we can safely predict that those of a different race will be, more often than not, targeted as “suspicious” persons.

Works Cited

Myers, David G. “The Powers And Perils Of INTUITION.” Scientific American Mind 18.3 (2007): 24-31. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. Web. 1 Dec. 2014.

The Milgram Experiment is not Ancient History..


“Would you electrocute a stranger if Hitler asked you to?” 

The Milgram Experiments on obedience of the 1960’s have been reenacted in a more ethical manner and more recently by a few different population samples and have consistently turned out similar results. Our obedience to authority is taught from early childhood and can be perilous. Between the months of July and November in 1943, 500 members of the Reserve Police Battalion 101 followed their Nazi leaders into an unforgivable realm of madness. They were asked to murder 38,000 defenseless victims and all but a dozen agreed to the task. These were men who had little previous military experience and were not ready for the atrocity they were about to commit. After the initial horror and snags of the first attempt the Nazi commanders of the Police Battalion considered simple psychology and hired a separate group of soldiers to do the dirtiest work. These less sensitive men were called in to put psychological and physical distance between the battalion members who were doing the shooting and the innocent victims. This provided an opportunity for a rotation schedule where the members could rest and not have to participate in relentless/non-stop killing. These small tweaks in the system were effective.

The Milgram Experiment shows us how vulnerable we are to following in the footsteps of our leaders, even those with terrible agendas at heart. The story of the Reserve Police Battalion 101 shows us that even the most terrible of crimes can be made tolerable with simple psychological manipulations.

Works Cited

Navarick, Douglas J. “Historical Psychology And The Milgram Paradigm: Tests Of An Experimentally Derived Model Of Defiance Using Accounts Of Massacres By Nazi Reserve Police Battalion 101.” Psychological Record 62.1 (2012): 133-154. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. Web. 1 Dec. 2014. 

Adolf Hitler did not Kill 11 Million People



In 1940 Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew) was produced at the command of Joseph Goebbels.

I’ve created this blog to serve as a reminder and to heighten awareness about the Holocaust and the very simple psychology that contributed to Hitler’s “final solution”. The Jewish people were seen by the ordinary public as a threat to the economy and to the entire world. The senseless and systematic torture and slaughter of 11 million people was carried out by ordinary citizens who were persuaded by means of blind patriotism, authority, fear mongering, psychological manipulation and propaganda. Adolf Hitler may no longer be around with his infamous name and deceitfully charismatic presence to plunge us back into hell but human beings are still psychologically vulnerable to the mass manipulation and ignorance that contributes to prejudice and even genocide.